Saturday, April 10, 2010

Taipei Museum of Modern Art Part 1

Today's outing was to the Taipei Museum of Modern Art (MOMA), and I was very excited to go! It occurred to me, though, before I left to look up directions. Seemed easy to find. Take the 635 bus to Ximen MRT station, Ximen to Taipei Main Station, TPM to Zhongshan and then a short walk to the MOMA.

Also, before I left, I thought I'd take a few pictures of my way down to the bus stop to show everyone what exactly campus is like.

There are lots of stairs on campus. The school is built on the side of a mountain, so it's also pretty steep. You know the inside gate-fold for Led Zeppelin IV with the hermit on the mountain? It's pretty much like that.

To get to the street, I walk outside my dorm door.

Down a flight of stairs.

Down another set of wooden stairs.

Across a courtyard to a long set of steps that curve down around the Fa Min Building (that's it on the right).

More stairs next to Fa Min.

End off the stairs at Fa Min. . .but that's not all!

More stairs that go past the main guard house on campus. It's run by retire military who are all very nice. One, named Lou, usually says hello to me.

So, I finally got to the bus, and off to my destination. I arrived at Zhongshan at about 1:30 or 2:00 and thought "This won't take long, and I'll be home by 6:00." I was wrong.

I ambled around Taipei for an hour and a half trying to find the place! One would think that a big international city would have better road signs or street maps. One would also assume that I'd have the sense to ask someone where the place was. . . but that's beside the point.

What is the point, is that I did not find the place and was exhausted by days end. I wandered back to TPM and drowned my sorrows in curry chicken.

So, maybe better luck tomorrow. Stay tuned for part two. . .

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