Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Steak and Laundry

So, I haven't updated in a while. . .I figured this would happen. Again, sorry, no pictures. I need to get better at that.

To recap the last few days. Yesterday Laoshi (teacher) Kuo, our liaison around campus and the assistant director of International Studies at Lunghwa too us to a fancy restaurant in Gueishan. My first reaction was "this is the Asian version of Cracker Barrel"

Now, that may be an exaggeration, but it's fairly accurate. The front part of the restaurant had a mini-store with tea and rice and so-forth. In the restaurant there was also a salad bar available in addition to the food you order, and I'm sure if I looked closely enough I would have seen an old woman rocking in a rocking chair outside the place.

And the food! Oh the food! Very western. I had a great porterhouse steak. A bit overdone, but very very nice, and the first truly Western food I've had here.

Accompanying the food was a piano player playing out of date pop music such as "Rocky Mountain High" and "Bridge Over Troubled Water" in off-pitch though very competent English.

Today, has been fairly uneventful. Breakfast was a change from greasy street food as I bought some instant oatmeal yesterday at the local mini-mart called Welcome Mart (picture below).

The Oatmeal was ok, a bit mushier than at home, but great none-the-less. Lunch was the corner buffet again, and more worms. Tasty once again! Tonight will be dinner, somewhere near I assume, but for now I'm content to have figured out how the washing machine works. Pretty simple, and actually fairly cheap. $20 NTD to wash and $30 NTD to dry, so less than $2 US total.

More pictures soon, I hope, as well as a possible trip to a schoolmate's house for dinner this weekend.

Until then,

Zai Jian!

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