Saturday, February 27, 2010

Day three and four

Yesterday was lots and lots of fun! Went to Taipei and saw many sights . . . and of course forgot to put the memory card in my camera, so no pictures. Hopefully descriptions will suffice.

Our first stop was Chiang Kai-shek National Memorial. The grounds are massive with gardens and two smaller performance areas. The Memorial itself is a massive pagoda with an equally large seated statue of Chiang. It's very reminiscent of the Lincoln Memorial.

Within the memorial is a museum and gift shop. Apparently the US is not the only place that makes money off of history.

Our second stop was Taipei 101 which is the second tallest building in the world. Most of what we saw was shopping. Lots and lots and lots of shopping. . .

Today and tonight will be pictures of things around town. Until then,

Zai jian!

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